Like mentioned on Facebook, I get quite a bit of foodie mail, be it in the normal mail or via email, there is lots to tell and share. I asked you guys if you’d like me to share that here on the blog and you did, so here we go! Sometimes I will continue in a separate post and write a recipe and tell you about the product there, but there is still enough more to tell you guys here! Let me know if you guys like to read more Foodie Mail.

So we kick off with the following:

Nowadays, we are a lot more interested to know where our food comes from. What is is made from and better yet, who made it? Thats why on, you can now select the “unox sausage” you just bought and type in the article code starting with letter L on the inside of the packaging. You will then get more information on where the meat came from and more about the farmer too. 

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SOUQ products
Nadia and Merijn (seen on 24 Kitchen) are two cooking geniuses. Especially Arabian cooking is something they master. Together with Vanilla Venture they’ve launched a line of 9 products. And I got to test 8 of them (pictured below) where the products consist of pure ingredients and no preservatives. Together with these beautiful products, I got a set of recipe cards to inspire me. I made the lemonade, which I will be sharing in a different post. It was so yummy and the technique intrigued me. IMG 9923 1024x1024 - Foodie Mail #1
Nutella 1 KG Holiday edition
This jar of hazelnut paste happiness you can now buy for € 5, 49 at Jumbo, Boni, Coop, Plus, Makro, Spar, Sligro, Hoogvliet, Dirk and Deka.  They are selling 75,000 jars of this Limited edition in the Netherlands, so don’t wait to long if you want your own. I got so exited about this, that I made a little snack with it which I will share with you guys very soon.IMG 9356 1024x1024 - Foodie Mail #1
New chewing gum from Peppersmith
I already mentioned Peppersmith a while ago, after I visited London and first spotted the Lemon Mints at Wholefoods (where else!?), but now they’ve added two new flavors to their chewing gum range: english peppermint and spearmint. €1, 95 You can buy these at STACH and Bilder & De Clerq.Screen Shot 2014 12 16 at 11.50.41 AM e1418727161928 1024x1008 - Foodie Mail #1
Christmas Teas from Betjeman and Barton
In a previous post, I already told you guys extensively about the new range of teas Betjeman and Barton is launching. Read my full post here.
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Oatmeal Smoothies
Albert Heijn to Go recently started selling these 3 flavors of oatmeal smoothies recently. A perfect start to your day! You can now have your breakfast on the go and they haven’t added any sugars or additives. € 2,50 a piece and available at AH to Go.Oatmeal smoothies AHtoGO e1418724321592 1024x1024 - Foodie Mail #1

If you guys have tried some of these products, tell me what do you think? Curious to hear!
